Community LLC.
Contact Us: 678-322-7563
W.A.T.E.R. Experience
We are going on a 6 day trip to Costa Rica for only $2500!! It's really going to be an amazing experience. We be flying into San Jose in June and spending the night in San Jose. It will be well rated and secure. The Next Day we will be boarding a van for a 4.5 hour extremely scenic ride to Puerto Viejo! From there we will check into the villa at the top and enjoy some beach time/relax. The fun and adventure is pretty constant from then on! > : )))
$2,500 covers all of the adventures below:
Gourmet Meals (vegan and w/fish dishes)
Myan Site Tour
Jungle Tour
Ground Transportation
Kayak Rentals
6 days 5 night Beachside Villa in Puerto Viejo
Beach Cookout
Wellness Sessions
We will be using the Cheddarup App to keep track of payments. Payments will be fully refundable up until April 15th. After that date there will be a $200 processing fee taken out of your refund. Please register and process the first payment as soon as possible @ https://my.cheddarup.com/c/costarico-trip The initial deposit of $300 will be due by 12/1 and every month after that until June $300 is due. Please email me with any questions or problems.
Vegan Vibe Sessions
Currently taking place in Augusta, Ga on the 4th Saturday of every month.